Amazing experiences, exceptional value.
Get more of your travel experience with these promotions and specials.
Enjoy exclusive perks at Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, we’ve got savings for you.
Meet the most flexible event offer that lets you do it all your way
Embark on an unforgettable journey of a lifetime.
Take advantage and enjoy special weekly promotions at Tap It - Beer Cafe.
Make your next meeting and event extra rewarding at Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park.
Sip and savor the Macallan Whisky flight and crafted cocktails.
Add just for 1 Baht, and start your day off right with scrumptious breakfast!
Register to earn 3,000 bonus points every 2 nights
Reserve your seat and discover more selections of the authentic Cantonese delights.
Reserve your seat and discover more selections of the authentic Cantonese delights.
Satisfy your lunch cravings from over 20 varieties of detectable Dim Sums, passionately prepared by our master chef at "Xin Tian Di".
Join Us for a Spooktacular Experience!
Enjoy BUY 1 GET 1 FREE promotion on Cocktails of the Day.
Savor your favorite cold drinks with our Happy Hours promotion: "1-Hour Free Flow Beer for just THB 399 net!"
Spice up your usual Thursday-Saturday and enjoy the night filled with Good vibes at Tap It.
Book our all-inclusive bed & breakfast plus set dinner for 2 persons.
Enjoy extra savings for booking early! Room rates are inclusive of breakfast for 2 adults.